Coach Day Tours


General Information

Coach outings must be paid in advance by booking direct with the trip organiser. Costings may be subject to slight variations. Refunds are not normally given unless the seat is re-sold. All enquiries and bookings should be made to the trip organiser stated below. Payment can be made either by cheque made payable to ‘The Bourne Society’ or if you wish to pay by bank transfer please contact the trip organiser for bank details. When confirming your booking please enclose a stamped addressed envelope, together with a contact telephone number, and state where you would like the coach to pick you up. A ticket will then be sent to you confirming your booking and time/pick up point. Please note that you must be able to get on and off the coach unaided unless accompanied by a carer. You will not be contacted prior to the coach trip unless details have altered in any way.

No further coach day tours have been organised for 2024.