Bourne Society Shop

How to order our publications

The Bourne Society does not run its own online shop. Many of its in-print publications, including the popular Village Histories and past issues of Local History Records, are available to callers at the East Surrey Museum, Stafford Road, Caterham, which is open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays between 10 am and 5 pm. In addition, the two Caterham public libraries carry stocks of Village Histories, and sometimes other titles, for sale to callers. The Bourne Society invariably operates a stand at local fairs and other events where books may be bought or ordered. Alternatively, orders may be sent by post to the Society’s publications officer, Paul Redington, at The Lilacs, Luxford Lane, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 2PJ. For all enquiries Paul may be contacted at  Please make all cheques payable to ‘The Bourne Society’. Unless otherwise indicated, all books listed on the Currently Available Publications page are still available for purchase. This page also specifies the amount that should be added to cover postage and packing.

Ordering through GENfair

GenFair-SmallThe Bourne Society also uses the services of GENfair – the “One-Stop Shop” for Family and Local Historians. To access the Bourne Society’s publications on the site simply click on the image to the left, then select ‘Books Published by the Bourne Society’. From there you may order any of the Society’s Books, Local History Records, Historical Walks Leaflets, or Postcards. The content of the listings has recently been updated to include all currently available publications.

This method of ordering is particularly attractive for those who wish to order by credit or debit card, but the cost of postage is somewhat higher than that specified on the Currently Available Publications page, reflecting the commission charged by GENfair for its services.

GENfair is managed by S&N British Data Archive Ltd on behalf of the FFHS. Their address is: West Wing, Manor Farm, Chilmark, Salisbury SP3 5AF, United Kingdom. VAT Registration No. 780 7049 17

Ordering Publications by Post from Outside UK

When ordering from outside the UK you are strongly encouraged to order online through GENfair, as outlined above. If this method is not suitable for some reason or other, e.g. you do not have a credit or debit card, then your only options are either to write to our publications manager (address shown above), or to email us via the Contact Us page, stating which books you require, your country of residence, and whether you require air or surface mail. Your message will then be forwarded to the publications manager. If you are ordering from outside the UK , please be aware that postage costs will be considerably higher than those given on this website.